Tolikokrat sem že slišala o Eos balzamih za ustnice, predvsem v YouTube videih tujih vlogerjev, da sem si želela to »senzacijo« poskusiti tudi sama. In sem jo odkrila nekega dne v preteklem mesecu tudi pri nas. :)
So many times I've heard about the Eos lip balm, especially in foreign vloggers YouTube videos that I wanted this "sensation" to try myself too. And one day in previous month I discovered it in our country. :)

Naročila sem si ga na www.eosadria.si . Cena je 7 evrov, brez poštnine (plačilo samo preko interneta), dostavijo ti v 2 dneh. Dobiš ga lahko več okusih: Strawberry Sorbet, Summer Fruit, Honeysuckle Honeydew, Medicated Tangerine, Blueberry Acai, Lemon Drop with SPF 15, Pomegranate Raspberry in Sweet Mint – katerega sem si naročila jaz. Sama kratica EOS pomeni Evolution of smooth.
I ordered it on www.eosadria.si. The price is 7 euros postage (payment only via the Internet), delivered to you in 2 days. You can get several flavors: Strawberry Sorbet, Summer Fruit, Honeysuckle Honeydew, Medicated Tangerine, Acai Blueberry, Lemon Drop with SPF 15, Pomegranate Raspberry and Sweet Mint - which I award myself. EOS means Evolution of Smooth.

Na njihovi spletni strani za Sweet Mint piše sledeče:
Gladek in osvežujoč okus sladke mete poteši ustnicam željo po vlagi, po kateri tako hrepenijo.
·                                 95% organski, 100% naraven
·                                 dolgotrajna navlaženost ustnic
·                                 vsebuje karitejevo maslo in vitamin E
·                                 vsebuje jojobino olje
·                                 ustnice naredi gladke in mehke
·                                 Twist-off pokrov
·                                 ne vsebuje glutena
·                                 ne vsebuje vazelina
·                                 ni testiran na živalih
·                                 vsebina: 7g

On their website for Sweet Mint says these:
Smooth and refreshing taste of fresh mint quenches your lips desire to moisture, according to which both crave.
• 95% of organic, 100% natural
• long-lasting moisturisation of the lips
• contains shea butter and vitamin E
• contains jojoba oil
• Makes your lips smooth and soft
• Twist-off cap
• does not contain gluten
• does not contain Vaseline
• Not tested on animals
• content: 7g

Moje mnenje izdelku:
Toliko pohval in navdušenosti po celem svetu nad tem izdelkom, predvsem iz strani slavnih osebnosti, sem pričakovala, da bom nad izdelkom tudi sama navdušena.
My opinion of this product:
So much praise and enthusiasm all over the world about this product, especially from the side of celebrities, I expect that I'll be impressed about the product too.

Všeč mi je izgled izdelka – jajček oblika, pastelne barve. Nekaj drugačnega, kot sem vajena. Tudi samega izdelka se mi zdi dovolj. Všeč mi je, da je 95% organski in 100% naraven. VENDAR mi ni všeč mazljivost balzama za ustnice, ima hrapav občutek, kot bi bil namenjen za piling ustnic – mogoče bi lahko na to lahko gledala pozitivno. Morda je takšen ravno zato, ker ne vsebuje vazelina. Samo ugibam. Meni osebno je mazljivost izdelka najbolj pomembna, in ravno to je razlog, zakaj sem razočarana, čeprav mi je ostalo pri tem izdelku kar všeč. Tudi sam vonj in okus mete mi je všeč, ima nekakšen hladilen učinek na ustnicah. Glede obstojnosti je isto, kot pri ostalih običajnih balzamih za ustnice. Sicer sem pa ugotovila pri sebi, da je kar nekako hitro izginil iz mojih ustnic – ravno zaradi okusa, ki mi je všeč. Plus dobi tudi pri twist – off pokrovčku, ki ga definitivno ne bom izgubila, kot pri nekaterih drugih balzamih.
I like the look of the product - egg shape, pastel colors. Something different than I used to. Also the product itself seems to me enough. I like that it is 95% organic and 100% natural. BUT I do not like spreadability lip balm has a rough feeling, like it was designed for peeling lips - maybe I could be looking at this positively.  Maybe this is precisely because it does not contain Vaseline. Just a guess. I personally spreadability of the product is the most important, and that's the reason why I am disappointed, though I have left in this product I like. I like smell and taste of mint. It have some kind of cooling effect on the lips. In view the resistance is the same as with other conventional lip balms. Otherwise, I found it in myself, that somehow quickly disappeared from my lips - precisely because of the taste, which I like.  I also like the twist - off lid, which is definitely not going to lose, as in some other lip balms.

Če potegnem črto, mi je izdelek všeč v vseh drugih pogledih, razen pri mazljivosti, saj imam sama rada, da se lepo maže, da je nekako bolj kremne teksture, da lepše drsi. Če razumete, kaj hočem povedati? Tako da mislim, da izdelka ne bi ponovno kupila, razen če bi me sčasoma navdušil. Vendar je to zelo malo verjetno, ker pri balzamih za ustnice in šminkah hitro ugotoviš, ali ti je všeč, ali ne. Sicer sem napisala, da sama oblika je drugačna, kot sem jo vajena, in da mi je všeč, ampak zame ni praktična, vsaj v mojem poklicu ne. Na uniformi imam 2 žepa, v katerih ni veliko prostora za takšno velikost balzama, saj ga potrebujem za druge bolj pomembne stvari, zato ga med službenim časom ne uporabljam.  Uporabljam pa klasični balzam, ki ne zavzame veliko prostora, in je bolj priročen.
I like product in all other aspects, except for spreadability, because I want to own that beautiful lubricates that is somehow more creamy texture that glides better. If you understand what I'm saying? So I think that this product would not be re-purchased, unless I eventually impressed. However, this is highly unlikely because the lip balms lipsticks are quickly find out whether you like it or not. Otherwise, I wrote that the shape is different and I like that, but for me is not practical, at least in my job. I have 2 pockets on the uniform, which is not much space for that size balm because I need it for other more important things. So during a job I don`t use it. I use it a classic lip balm that does not take up much space and is more handy.

Zanima me, ali še kdo izmed vas uporablja Eos balzam za ustnice? Kako ste zadovoljni?
I wonder if anyone of you using Eos lip balm? How satisfied are you?

Popravek: Po več mesecih uporabe izdelka, je moje mnenje drugačno: tako sem se navadila na izdelek, da ga bom še sigurno kupila. :)
(december, 2014)

Lep pozdrav! 


  1. Odgovori
    1. Jaa, sem videla tvojo fotko na Instagramu ;) Kaj si bolj zadovoljna glede mazljivosti, kot jaz? Mene je to razočaralo, ampak je druga OK :)


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