Pozdravljeni, dragi moji! / Hello, my
dears! :)
sem se odločila, da v slikah prikažem tutorial za make-up oči. Sicer je bila
želja po vijoličnem senčilu, katerega slike lahko vidite na mojem blogu, kjer
sem napisala review na paleto senčil od znane YouTube zvezde Judy. Ampak, da se
barve in slike ne ponavljajo, način ličenja je pa pri meni povsem isti, sem se
tokrat odločila za modro barvo senčila. Vem pa, da je vijolična barva tista, ki
pristaja vsem – tudi meni bolje od modrega. ;)
sicer še zdrava, tudi povišano telesno temperaturo še imam (tako, da če kaj ne
bo razumljivo napisano, krivim to! ;) ), ampak bom zmogla, sem trmasta. :)
Today I decided to show
you tutorial for eyes make-up in pictures. Otherwise, it was a desire for
purple eyeshadow look, like on pictures you can see on my blog before, where I
wrote a review about eyeshadow palette of famous YouTube star Judy. But, that
the colors and pictures are not repeated, but the way I do this makeup look is
exactly the same, I decided for the blue color shades. But I know that the
purple colors looks good on every girl – for me it feels better than blue. ;)
I am still sick, I have a
fever and angina (so that if something is not understandable written, blame it
on fever!;)), But I can do this, I'm stubborn. :)
vidite na slikah spodaj, pri tem make-upu uporabljam paleto senčil od Makeup
Revolution: Awesome eyeshadow colection (klik), ki vsebuje 100 senčil, ki so zame zelo
uporabna. Je ravno dovolj naravnih barv, in pa tudi malo bolj živahnih.
Dejansko ne bi rabila nobene druge palete senčil več, ampak saj veste kakšne
smo make-up obsedenke. ;) Naročila sem jo pa na spletni strani Ličila.si, če
katero zanima, je cenovno zelo ugodna in tudi s pigmentiranostjo senčil sem
zelo zadovoljna! Imam v planu narediti tudi blog o tej paletki, in njenih
swatchih, če vas morda zanima? :)
Here we go!
As you can see in the
pictures below, for this makeup I using palette from Makeup Revolution: Awesome
eyeshadow colection, which contains 100 shades, which are very useful for me.
It is just enough of natural colors and a little bit more lively colors too.
Indeed, I could use only this eyeshadow palette for life, but you know… make-up
obsessive girlswe don`t get enough. ;) I ordered this palette on the website
Ličila.si, if you are interested, the price is very low and also pigmentation of
shades are also great! I have plan to do a blog about this palette and swatches,
if you might be interested in? :)
make-up oči sem uporabila: podlago za senčila znamke Essence, zgoraj omenjeno
paleto senčil od Makeup Revolution, fiksator v spreju, tudi od Makeup
Revolution, čopiče za ličenje…in zraven na sliko se je nekako »prištulila« tudi
moja najljubša šminka, ki jo imam že vsaj 2 leti, tudi naročena pri Ličila.si.
Je od BeautyUK, odtenek How nude! :)
For eye make-up I used:
base for eyeshadows from Essence, the eyeshadow palette from Makeup Revolution,
fixing spray, also from Makeup Revolution, brushes for make-up ... and there in
this picture somehow also sneaked my favorite lipstick, which I've got at least
2 years, I also bought on Ličila.si. Lipstick is from brand BeautyUK, in shade How nude! :)
prvi sliki sem brez make-upa, z izjemo malo maskare, ki sem imela nanešeno že
zjutraj, in se mi je ni dalo odstranjevati pred ustvarjanjem, pardon! :) Slike
sem posnela že prejšnji teden, ko sem bila še zdrava, na srečo!
In the first picture I had
no make-up, with the exception of a little mascara, which I had applied in the
morning, and I could not be removed before creating, sorry! :) This pictures I
took last week when I was still healthy,
sem nanesla na celotno veko podlago za senčila. Čopič sem rahlo nasprejala s
fiksatorjem za ličila, za boljšo pigmentiranost in obstojnost senčke. Nato sem
v paleti izbrala senčilo, ki je označeno s št.1, in jo nanesla na veko po
celotni dolžini, kot je na sliki. Sama sem to barvo poimenovala kraljevsko
modra. :)
I first applied to the
entire eyelid base for eyeshadow. Then I lightly spray brush with fixing spray
for makeup, for better pigmentation and stability eyeshadows. Then I choose in
palette rhe eyeshadow, which is indicated by No. 1, and I applied it to the
eyelid along the entire length, as shown on picture below. I call this color
royal blue. :)
sem izbrala senčilo, ki je svetlejše barve (št.2) in vsebuje shimmer. Nanesla
sem ga samo na sredi veke, da naredi tisti »pop« pri očeh, in vse skupaj bolj
poživi. Na zunanjo stran spodnje veke, sem nanesla do nekje tretjine senčila
št.1, in točno pod senčilom št.2, ki sem ga prej nanesla na zgornjo veko, na
spodnjo veko naredim isto tu, samo na sredini. Komaj opazno, ampak dela čudeže!
Then I chose a shade that
is lighter in color (No.2) and contains shimmer. I applied it only in the
middle of the eyelid to make those "pop" eyes, and all together more
revitalized. On the outer side of the lower eyelid, I applied for around a
third of shades no.1 and no.2 just below the eyeshadow that I previously
applied to the upper eyelids, lower eyelids to do the same here, only in the
middle. Hardly noticeable, but works wonders! ;)
celotno zgornjo gubo veke sem nanesla senčilo svetlo rjave barve (št.3), ki je
zame idealna za mešanje senčil, in zakrivanje ostrih prehodov med senčili, ter
še v kotiček oči malo temnejše senčilo, čokoladne rjave barve (št.4) za rahel
smokey look. Ampak žal se na slikah učinek ne vidi najboljše, mi svetloba ni
bila najbolj namenjena.
On the entire upper eyelid
crease I applied light brown eyeshadow (No.3), which for me is ideal for mixing
shades, and hide sharp transitions between shades. And in the corner of my eyes
I put a little darker, chocolate brown eyeshadow (no.4) for the slight smokey
look. But unfortunately in the pictures you don`t see the best effect, the light
was not the most friendly.
konec sem nanesla samo še senčilo kremne barve (št.5) pod obrvmi, eyeliner in
pa nanesla maskaro na trepalnice. In to je to! :)
For the end I just applied
a cream-colored eyeshadow (No.5) below the eyebrows, eyeliner, and applied mascara to the eyelashes. And that's it! :)
Flash photo.
da vam je vodič v slikah in opisu kaj pomagal. Če je, sem vesela! :) Sama sicer
najrajši gledam videe na YouTubu, ampak, čisto iskreno, še nekako nimam poguma,
da bi sama posnela video. Ima katera recept za pogum? ;) Hehehe!
I hope that the tutorial
in pictures and the description helped you a little bit. If it is, I'm happy!
:) I otherwise prefers to watch videos on YouTube, but on my own, somehow I don`t
have the brave to shoot a video. Have someone the recipe for this? ;) Hehehe!
teden pa načrtujem blog o negi kože + ocena. Bi radi prebrali blog o tem? :)
For next week I plan to
write blog about skin care + review. Would you like to read blog about this? :)
Lepo se imejte! / Have a nice day!
Pozdravčki! / Greetings! ♥
love you blue eyeshadow<3
Thank you! :)
IzbrišiSuper ti paše! :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala! :)