Zdravo! / Hello! :)
bloga sem se najbolj veselila. Nekako sem nameravala narediti to že kot prvi
blog, ampak včasih je enostavno potrebno slediti šestemu čutu, pravijo. ;)
For this blog I`m the most excited
about. Somehow I intended to write that in my first blog, but sometimes it is
simply necessary to follow a sixth sense, they say. ;)
je moja najljubša make – up gurujka na YouTube-u, in ko je lani oznanila, da bo
izdala svojo paleto senčil za oči pri BH Cosmetics, sem takoj vedela, da si jo
bom naročila. Nekako imamo, kot predvidevam iz njenih videov, podoben okus za
stil ličenja. Ko se spravim ustvarjati make-up, seveda! :)
Judy is my favorite makeup guru on
YouTube, and since last year, when she announced, that she will issue her
eyeshadow palette in BH Cosmetics, I immediately knew that I'll order it.
Somehow we have, as I assume from her videos, similar taste for makeup style.
When I get to create make-up, of course! :)
paletko imam že od decembra 2013, zato sem jo že dovolj preizkusila, da lahko
napišem konkretno oceno o njej. Naročila sem jo na spletni strani od BH
Cosmetics za okoli 15 dolarjev. Žal je poštnina prišla še skoraj enkrat toliko,
ampak saj veste – če si nečesa res ZELO želiš,… :)
This palette I've had since December
2013, so I tested it enough to be able to write a concrete evaluation of the
case. I ordered it on the website from BH Cosmetics for about 15 dollars.
Unfortunately, the postage came nearly twice as much, but you know - if you
really want something ... :)
jo imajo na razprodaji, tako da če vas zanima:
Currently they have it on sale, so if
you are interested in:
začnimo. Paleta senčil vsebuje 12 senčil čudovitih (in zame), zelo uporabnih
barv za vsakdanji make – up, ali pa večerne izhode. Skratka, vsakdanje
uporabno! ;) 4 senčila so mat barve, ostalih 8 pa je šimrastih. Večina od njih
so naravnih odtenkov, vsebuje pa tudi 2 vijolični in kraljevsko modro senčko.
Dejansko vse barve, ki jih najrajši uporabljam za ličenje oči.
Here we go. Palette contains 12
shades which are wonderful (and for me), a very useful colors for everyday makeup,
or an evening out. In short, everyday useful! ;) 4 shades are matte colors, the
other 8 are shimmer. Most of them are natural shades, and also, contains 2
purple and one royal blue eyeshadow. In fact, all the colors which I most like
to use for Eye makeup.
zunaj je paleta senčil črne mat barve, z zlatim napisom. Tehta 8,1 grama , zato je na
splošno priročna tudi za potovanja. Všeč mi je, da se ne odpira kot večino
senčil, saj vsebuje magnet, kateri pa odpiranje zelo olajša (predvsem, če imaš
kratke in krhke nohte). Zame zelo priročno. Ko paleto odpreš, te pričaka poleg
senčil tudi priročno ogledalce, in pod njim napis: »Natural is beautiful, but
makeup is glam.« To je stavek, ki ga je Judy že večkrat uporabila, tudi na
njenem Twitter računu lahko zaslediš ta stavek. In dejansko ima prav, kajne? ;)
On the outside the palette is black
matte color with gold lettering. It weighs 8.1 grams , so it is
generally convenient for travel. I like that it does not open as most of the palettes,
because it contains a magnet, which makes opening much easier (especially if
your nails are short and brittle). For me, very convenient. When you open the
palette, it awaits you besides the eyeshadows, also a handy mirror, and
underneath the inscription: "Natural is beautiful, but makeup is
glam." This is a sentence that Judy use it many times, even on her Twitter
account you can trace this sentence. And actually she's right, is not she? ;)
Na slikah lahko vidite, kako paleta senčil izgleda, naredila sem tudi
»swatche« senčil. Pri »swatcih« sem
spodaj uporabila podlago za ličila, kot to vedno počnem tudi na vekah pred
nanosom senčil. Pigmentacija senčil je super. Kot pri večini mat senčilih, je
tudi tukaj pigmentacija malo slabša, ampak še vedno dovolj dobra, da ne rabiš
senčila večkrat nanašati, ampak je 1 – 2x dovolj, kolikor intenzivno pač želiš.
In the pictures you can see how
the eyeshadow palette looks, I made the swatches of shades. Under shades I used
base for eye makeup, as I always do on my eyelids before applying eyeshadow.
Pigmentation of shades is great. As with most matte shades is also here
pigmentation a little worse, but still good enough, that you do not have
repeatedly refer shadows, but 1 - 2x is enough as far as you want intense eye
Summer smokey girls night out make up look.
so pri meni obstojna skozi cel dan, ko jih nosim. Ponavadi je to do 12 ur.
Podlago za senčila nanašam zaradi dveh razlogov: ker imam mastne veke, in ker
so tako senčila dlje obstojna in tudi bolj intenzivna. Tako da vsekakor
priporočam, da si podlago predhodno nanesete, tudi če ste začetnica pri make –
up maniji. ;)
Eyeshadows are persistent throughout
the day, when I wear them. Usually, it is up to 12 hours. I prefer apply base
for eyeshadows because of two reasons: I have oily eyelids, and because the
shadows are more long lasting and even more intense. So definitely recommend
that you pre-applied base, even if you're a beginner in the make - up mania. ;)
povezavi si lahko ogledate tudi video, kjer Judy predstavi »swatche« svoje
palete, in jih tudi zelo dobro opiše:
In link you can watch a video, where
Judy presents the swatches of her palette, and very well describes it:
paleto senčil sem zelo zadovoljna in jo zelo rada uporabljam. Naredili so jo v
omejeni izdaji. Ker je bila hitro razprodana, in je bilo po paleti še ogromno
povpraševanja, so naredili novo izdajo. Mislim, da to pove vse. :)
With eyeshadow palette I am very
satisfied and very much like to use it. They made it a limited edition. Since
it was quickly sold out, and it was a huge demand for the palette, they made a
new edition. I think that says it all. :)
Peace! :)
berete moje bloge, verjetno veste, da obožujem Judy. Najbolj so mi všeč njeni
First impression videi, saj v videih pokaže nanos izdelka, kako je izdelek skozi
dan obstojen, in pove svoje ISKRENO mnenje po celodnevnem testiranju. To mi je
res všeč, saj kot opažam, je iskrenosti BeautyGurujk / blogerk glede izdelkov
še vedno premalo, predvsem se to opaža pri sponzoriranih videih. Ampak tako žal
If you read my blogs, you probably
know that I love Judy. The most I liked her First impression videos, because in
the videos she show application of the product, how the product is stable
throughout the day, and tell her honest opinions after a day's testing. This I
really like, because as I see the honesty of BeautyGurus / bloggers, regarding
products still too little, especially in the notes in the sponsored videos. But
so unfortunately.
sem svoje mnenje za ItsJudyTime paleto senčil napisala iskreno, kot tudi vse
ostale izdelke, o katerih sem ali bom pisala. Res pa je, da smo med seboj
različni, imamo različne tipe kože, zato isti izdelek ni vedno popoln za vse.
In my opinion, I sincerely wrote
about ItsJudyTime eyeshadow palette, as
well as all the other products which I have or I will be writing about. It is
true, that we are all different, we all have different skin types, so the same
product may not be perfect for everyone.
P.S.: Only for Slovenian readers: na Ličila.si imajo tudi to paletko senčil, če te zanima! ;)
Klikni tu! (trenutno ŽAL razprodana)
se imejte! / Have fun! :)
Pozdravčki! / Greetings! ♥
Summer smokey girls night out make up look.
Lepe barve, zeeelo lepo si se naličila :)
Hvalaa! :)
IzbrišiIiii zelo lepe senčke. Tudi sama že dalj časa razmišljam o nakupu, verjetno jo bom kmalu. Super review...
OdgovoriIzbrišiNika's Beauty Land
Jaz sem res zadovoljna :) Hvala! ;)
IzbrišiHello, great blog! Maybe want follow each other? If yes, just follow me, and i follow you back :)
Thank you! :)
IzbrišiDeal! ;)
Amazing make up!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWould you like to follow each other?
Thank you! :)
IzbrišiDeal! ;)
Lovely post and review! Xx the colours look really pretty on you :D I've just started a blog of my own and if you're interested you are very welcome to visit. Followers are desperately needed!!! http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you! :)
Izbrišihey there :) cool post !its pretty!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVisit my pages if you like and maybe you would like to follow each other? let me know and leave me your links aswell
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kiss from Germany
Thank you! :)
IzbrišiDeal! ;)